I am Renee Hughes. I’m a certified, a holistic practitioner, certified aroma therapist and health consultant. My practice is the Aromaspecialist and I am the creator of The Mood Makeover Method and the Holistic Champions School.
Today we’re going to work on a couple of pain relief blends and we’re also going to do both a fast-acting and a slow-acting blend. It’s good to start with the fast-acting blend because it’s going to be liquid, whereas the slow-acting blend is going to be butter. Start by heating them so they can be nice and warm and scoop out easily. We will be using a much higher dilution than we normally do. A 2% dilution is normally used with my blends, especially if they’re going to be used on a regular basis, but today I wanted to show you some blends at a higher dilution for an acute situation. So in this case you would need a little bit more than the usual 2%, but it’s not something that should be used on a regular basis.
I don’t want you all to make these blends unless you’re working with an aromatherapist or an essential oil specialist, because these are blends that should not be used continually, just in really acute situations. However, I just want to show you how to make them. We’re doing a slow-acting and a fast-acting blend. For slow-acting blends the bases are butters (you can heat those up right now) and for fast-acting blends we use liquid.
I’m going to be doing about a 10% dilution which is quite a bit more than what I normally do at the 2%. Usually, we’re looking at a two-ounce bottle with about 20 drops in it. But today we’re going to use a four-ounce bottle and we’re going to use about 300 drops. Each 15 mil has about 250 drops in it so we’re going to break that up so that the total amount of drops in the bottle is going to be about 300 drops. Again this is not something you want to be using on a regular basis.
First you fill up your container with your carrier. It’s a good idea to have your carrier also be a carrier that is analgesic, you want some pain reducing benefits with the carrier itself. So you could use an anti-inflammatory oil. I love trauma oil, hemp seed oil and St. John’s wort. The St. John’s wort oils that I have also have olive oil in them. You can also use olive or coconut oil. Coconut oil is also an anti-inflammatory, but my skin doesn’t like it and it doesn’t soak in as well. I use a combination of the St. John’s wort and olive oil. Olive oil is one of my favorite oils just because my skin absolutely loves it, grips it in and moisturizes it. This my base for both of these blends. Next you can check on the butters that are warming up. While you’re preparing your oils, you can put the butters in a glass bowl or container and put it on top of boiling water. They don’t need to melt. They just need to soften up.
- I’m using a combination of analgesic essential oils and anti antinociceptive essential oils, meaning pain, relieving, and pain-blocking essential oils. I add 300 drops of essential oils. I use 125 drops Rosemary which has so much of the emotional benefits. All of these essential oils, have some kind of an energetic property to it. So it’s a really good thing to be using them in the pain blends. This blend is also going to be incredibly relaxing and it’s going to be very nourishing to the to the central nervous system.
- I also use a blend called Joy. I’m going to add 75 more drops. So added to the drops of Rosemary that’s going to give me 200 drops. Joy has several antinociceptive oils and analgesic oils, such as Bergamot, in it. It also has Lavender, Ylang-ylang, and Geranium which contributes to its floral smell.
- Next, I add 125 drops of orange- sweet orange. This is going to be a beautiful smelling blend in very, very pain-reducing.
Now I’m going to fill up the rest of my bottle up with a carrier. The other thing you want to do is write down what you used in that blend because as you use them, you’re going to find your favorites and ones that really work well. And the worst is when you find a bright one, you don’t remember what you put in it. While you’re doing these, its a good idea to keep the top on them because they are so potent, and can be a little bit too much to inhale.
Now it’s time to make a slow-acting antinociceptive blend.
- I’m going to use Kombo butter which is really great for aches and pains. I heat it up the entire thing or you can just kind of scoop some out and heat it up at a time. After your first use keep it in the refrigerator because it can tend to mold. Scoop it out and put it in a container.
- I’m also adding 300 drops of essential oils to this blend. The first thing I’m going to use is 100 drops of black pepper. Black pepper is antinociceptive.
- Next thing that I’m going to put in is going to be 125 drops of lavender. These are so strong pouring them all out like that so you may want to wear a mask. It’s just that these are plant chemicals. They’re beautiful for your body, but they can be too much.
- Then I’m going to add 75 drops of Tea Tree.
This beautiful blend. Not only is it going to be supportive to help to block and reduce pain but it’s going to be really soothing on your emotions.
With the blends today, I was really focusing on antinociceptive oils, meaning that they’re pain blocking. They’re also analgesics so they’re going to help to reduce pain and inflammation, and block that sensation of pain. And when it’s really acute pain you want that. Again, make sure that you’re working with a professional because they can talk to you about your specific case. Also, you want to check with your doctor to make sure that you in your situation or your condition you can use essential oils.
If I’m working with a client and they’ve gotten the go ahead from their doctor, I would have them scoop out half a spoon full of the slow-acting blend (please see video for reference) and put it on the inflamed area. It’s going to take a little bit longer than the other than the liquid blend. But it’s going to last longer. It’s a slower acting just because of that thickness. For the liquid blend, I would have someone use a capful on the area where there is pain and as needed. If they say: “I feel it all over!”- I would tell them to do one of two things, put it on the bottom of your feet or you can take a cap and put it behind your ear. And what it’s going to do is get into your bloodstream which will carry it throughout the body. It’s almost like when you take something orally where you’re taking it this way, but it gets in and that’s how it goes to the fiery spots. So you can put this on one spot in the body and get relief.
Let me know if you have any questions (you can put them in the comments below) please like and subscribe. Also please let people know about The Aromaspecialists. If you’re someone who is interested in learning more about essential oils and becoming certified, I’m your gal. You can join us for our next workshop here to learn more. If you’re looking for emotional support and learning how to use these essential oils, to create more positive habits, to get out of your own way, to have more energy and focus, then you’ve found the right place here.