How to Stick to A Routine Using Essential Oils

At the time of this writing the world is on lockdown mode. It is the first time any of us have experienced something like this.

Has at-home living over the past few months totally thrown you off schedule? 

In our house, it took a few weeks to wrap our minds around it. We soon realized that because of COVID-19 being outside was a real threat.

Slowly, we then began little by little putting structure to our days and nights, and now we’ve gotten on a pretty great routine (minus the occasional Netflix binge days) 🙂

So, as we start to contemplate what the next few weeks and months look like, where would you like to improve your routine?

  • Go to bed near the same time each evening – this has been proven to improve quality of sleep. I can help you naturally prepare your mind and body for sleep.  
  • Get your nutrition in check – admit it, you’ve been snacking a LOT lately, or was that just us? Move towards desiring clean eating more often.


Sleepy time

Roman Chamomile is sweet and floral with just a hint of apple. This oil is well known for its ability to support restful sleep and quiet a busy mind.

Diffuser Blend

3 drops Roman Chamomile

3 drops Peace & Calming Blend 


Eat well and exercise naturally

Now for THIS we’re going to need to bring out the big guns of motivation. You’ll need to add these oils to your daily use blends to get the desired benefit:






There you have it, using the right essential oil can shift body chemistry and energy to help you reach your goals more naturally. Please enjoy and let me know how it goes for you!


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