"Client is full of energy and able to focus on work."
"Client can work longer without getting in bed to rest due to less fatigue."
Client can “tell a difference of 1-2 points of reduction in pain.”
Patient reports “no PTSD episodes" and notes “more positivity and interest in others.”
Client has “More sound sleep...Feels refreshed upon waking.”
“Client was excited to call me and tell me the protocols were working for her.”
“Client's productivity increased overall in life and with business.”
“Client's feelings of overwhelm down to 1/5 to be able to accomplish tasks.”
“Client is able to use strategies with oils and deep breathing effectively.”
“Prior to using oils client's highest distraction/anxiety level was 8-10/10. Due to using aromatherapy it's now 3/10."
“Client’s quality of sleep is better."
“Client says the blends are working wonders."
“Client's son notices a change in her mood."
Client feels a “sense of calmness and tranquility."
Client says that she was helped to realize that “self-investment is a must."
“Client says she felt comfortable during sessions and could easily open up."
“Client says she is no longer suffering from the runny nose or headaches she had previously."
“Client notices that his mood is light...and he has more energy throughout the day."
“Client was very relaxed and open about using the oils."
“Client said she had some stomach issues... but using her Inhaler helped her symptoms to subside."
“The sweet Basil and Juniper have really been helping the client to feel grounded and calm thereby helping her to complete her tasks."
“Client is enjoying her blend. It has become a support for her when she wakes up in the middle of the night. It calms her nerves."
“Client spoke with her doctor and updated her on how she is doing and the doctor sees improvement in her general health."
“Client says she is enjoying the blend... It instantly calms her."