Simple Strategies for Service Based Businesses

Convert Premium Clients With Better Communication

(without consuming all your time and effort)

Clear and magnetic communication makes your audience want to take action!

Make your words flow as easily as your thoughts.
Motivate. Engage. Lead. 


 Strengthen Communication Skills for The Competitive Edge

Our 30-day on demand video series meticulously helps you build credibility, trust and engagement through simplifying and clarifying what you say to your listeners and how you say it.

In today’s competitive business landscape, strong communication skills are indispensable. Your ability to articulate ideas with clarity and persuasion distinguishes you, building connections and opening avenues for more natural conversations that lead to new clients. 

Simplify Your Current Marketing Strategy

Whether you're giving your offer on a podcast, pitching to potential clients, or leading webinars, speaking well means more conversions. It's that simple
Naturally Guide Ideal Clients to Your Offer

Increase Credibility & Trust

Articulating your ideas clearly and with confidence eliminates misunderstandings and demonstrates your expertise and reliability.
Clarity, Credibility & Trust Means Clients A Stay With You Longer

Increase Conversion Rates on High Ticket Offers

Articulate your offer very naturally with confidence and complete clarity to sign on more high ticket clients, and KEEP them!
Develop communication skills that make it easy to work with more premium clients that you love

"Great communication is not just about conveying information; it's about igniting inspiration, building connection, and driving action. In business, it is the catalyst for growth, the fuel for innovation, and the cornerstone of success."

Your 30-Day Journey To Transform Business Communication

Course Highlights

Being magnetic for any personality type with any audience

Learn how your natural characteristics can be tailored to engage your audience, making every interaction memorable.

Communication strategies to become and ideal podcast host or influential guest

Being a guest on or hosting a podcast is an EXCELLENT way to SIMPLIFY your marketing efforts. However this won't lead to advancement in business without the strategies you'll learn in these lessons.

Confident communication for expressing professional worth and increasing pricing

Recognize how confident speaking can positively influence your pricing and positioning in the marketplace.

Meet The Secret Weapon to Understanding
These Simple and Powerful Strategies

Hi! I’m Renée Hughes. As a content and messaging expert I’ve trained over 400 professionals to speak and write about their business in a way that attracts media attention, collaborative partnerships and quality clients.
As a service based business owner, I know what it takes to run a thriving practice and school even with uncertain economic conditions. And, I’m excited to share what I’ve learned in our groups, classes and programs.
Welcome to 30-Days To Clear,Magnetic Communication!

1st Black Owned Accredited Aromatherapy & Business Building School
Natural Communication & Messaging Specialists

Work With More Premium Clients You'll Love

30 Days to Clear & Magnetic Communication
$ 297
  • 30 days to clear & magnetic communication
  • Easy to absorb downloadable videos
  • Get access to slides with all 30 communication strategies
  • Simple to apply strategies you can implement immediately
  • Talk about your business and increase conversion rates from podcast, to webinars to 1:1 client chats
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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