Mood and Money 3 day Challenge

Get comfortable with people investing in you

Release Your Inner Sales Super Hero: Having Sales Conversations With Authenticity!

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These 10 steps will absolutely Release your super hero

From Awkward to Awesome_ Embracing Sales Conversations as a Clinical Holistic Business Owner

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How to enjoy sales conversations on any platform


Homework for Day 1

1.True or False: The Mood about sales conversations or money predates your actual business?

2.Make a list of conversations or comments that you remember that were imprinted in your brain and affected your feelings about money.

Feeling good about your practice and school fees


Homework for Day 2

Make a FULL list of the following:

1.All of the benefits your program or school offers. (Think about what will happen or could happen to someone once they have completed working with you. What does it look like in their life? What is your intention for them once done? This will help you come up with your list.

2.The benefits and experiences of your current patients, clients or students. Note the things they’ve said to you along the way that indicates the impact working with you has had on their life

How your conversion story frees you from selling


Homework for Day 3

1.Write out your conversion story – where you were, where you are now, and where you’re going to be.

2.Write out how you will guide people how to work with you as flow through your conversion story

Your next steps-

Join me LIVE For our Signature Bold and Booked Event


Join us for our signature 5 day LIVE Bold and Booked Challenge

More details on what this includes and how to get your ticket below

Maximize Traffic with Minimal Hours: Writing & Speaking Training for Increased Visibility

September 11th - 15th, 2023

Available Times: 9:30 am - 11:30 am EST or 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm EST

Speak & Write To
Gain Quality Clients

You possess a deep passion and unique expertise.

However, conveying the true value of your services feels challenging and time consuming. You’ve made your mark in the industry but how do you get eyes on your business that will take you to next-level opportunties?

But what if you could shift this dynamic? What if you could speak about your business with such clarity and conviction that it naturally attracts clients, partners, and even media opportunities?

Bold and Booked is designed precisely for holistic professionals like you. This isn’t just another online challenge; it’s a transformative experience. Dive deep into self-discovery, refine your messaging across platforms, and gain the confidence to share not just your business story, but your role as a true change-maker.

You’ll gain 4 major skill sets that will help you maximize profits with minimal time and effort. Welcome to Bold and Booked!

Super Skill #1

Writing compelling content that will result in higher conversions and bottom line profit

During this challenge, we’ll dive deep into the art of crafting impactful messages that resonate with your target audience. From compelling tag-lines to engaging elevator pitches, we’ll help you find your inner wordsmith, enabling you to express the essence of your clinical holistic practice in a way that captivates and inspires. This skill results in more enrollments at higher price points!

Super Skill #2

Sales conversations that feel good and allows you to work with more quality clients

Lets be honest, most holistic professionals are terrible at marketing and sales. In skill #2 you are going to learn how to have sales conversations that are FUN and that result in more clients at half your normal marketing efforts.

Super Skill #3

Attract Your Tribe and
Gain Countless Referrals

Attracting your tribe in the business realm is paramount. When you resonate with like-minded individuals who genuinely believe in your vision and values, you cultivate a community that goes beyond mere transactions. This tribe becomes a powerful network of advocates, consistently referring others to you and organically creating business opportunities. In essence, by connecting with your tribe, you’re not just building a client base, but a collaborative ecosystem that propels your business forward.

Super Skill #4

Become a Sought-After Professional on Media

Media interviews offer a golden opportunity to share your expertise and reach a wider audience. However, the thought of being a guest on a podcast may leave you feeling tongue-tied and nervous. Fear not, because Bold and Booked will equip you with the skills to confidently ace podcast interviews. From honing your storytelling abilities to delivering impactful sound bites, you’ll become a sought-after guest on any podcast platform.

Why Bold & Booked?

Bold and Booked is not just another run-of-the-mill online event. It’s a transformative experience designed to help you maximize profits with a lot less time.

By participating in Bold & Booked, you’ll:

1. Grow in unshakable confidence: Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to unwavering confidence as you practice the art of speaking about your business. You’ll get more yes’s in your business and see profit growth.

2. Use your words to increase impact: By effectively conveying your message, you’ll attract more clients, forge valuable partnerships, and become a go-to expert in your field. This means more sales and client retention!

3. Expand your reach as you speak: Experience the power of clear and compelling messaging to reach new audiences and cultivate a thriving online presence. The more people that hear your message the better your lead generation pipeline

4. Connect with a supportive community: Surround yourself with like-minded business owners who will cheer you on, and celebrate your successes throughout the challenge. As they do, you’ll be added to a pipeline of referral lists from known professionals.

Renee Hughes is a trailblazing psycho-aromatherapist and business mentor who has shattered the myth that success in the clinical holistic industry requires endless hours and burnout. With a part-time work approach, Renee has not only achieved remarkable financial success but has also supported hundreds of practitioners and organizations through her masterclasses and workshops.

Renee understands the challenges that many clinical holistic businesses face—feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and unsure of how to effectively communicate their value. That’s why she is dedicated to showing entrepreneurs that a thriving business and personal well-being can coexist harmoniously.

With Renee as your guide, you’ll learn how to connect to your speaking superpowers and craft compelling, magnetic messages that resonate with your ideal clients. Say goodbye to the stress of constant hustling and hello to a more balanced, profitable, and fulfilling clinical holistic business.

General Admission

Bold & Book Challenge
  • In 5 days you'll speak and write about your business in new and exciting ways. You'll attract new clients and students and build referral partnerships.
  • Higher conversions: Sign on more clients by upgrading your written content
  • Enhance credibility with captivating speaking that moves your listeners to action
  • Enroll more new clients with authentic sales conversations that are comfortable for your and your prospects
  • Meet fellow holistic business owners who will send quality referals your way (one of the best ways to organic growth)
  • Create brand awareness and become known in your chosen field to attract client and media attention


Are you a clinical aromatherapist or a holistic coach, consultant, or course creator? If so, get ready to elevate your expertise and captivate your audience with this exclusive challenge! This challenge will not only equip you with essential skills but also inspire and motivate you to reach new heights.  Remember, the world needs your unique talents and knowledge, so let’s work together to make your mark and transform lives!

The training will be held on September 11-15, 2023.

Times are:
9:30am-11:30am EST each day


2:00 pm-4:00 pm EST each day

VIP Attendees will have additional group and 1:1 sessions and lifetime video trainings

You can choose when purchasing which time is more convenient for you.

It’s your home, office, wherever you are! This event is entirely online.

No. While the sessions will be recorded, it will not be provided to attendees.

We encourage you to make every effort to attend each session! This is priceless time to work on your business. You’ll want to be in a place to be fully engaged for each day of the challenge. It will be worth the time investment, we promise!

Nope! Trust that each session is going to be valuable. We want you to be part of every session because each one builds upon the other.  

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