What is the Importance of Language and Certification in a Holistic Practice?

We often get questions about the difference between a license and a certification.

Certification indicates a certain amount of hours dedicated to being educated on a particular subject and it also indicates some practical time for what is being studied.

Aromatherapy is not a licensed profession, however, certification is optional and that certification tells a story. It tells everyone that the recipient has dedicated many hours of learning, specifically about aromatherapy and the safety, history, and scientific use of essential oils,  from a reputable, accredited institution, and is equipped to use them in their practice.

We offer our students the opportunity to earn certifications as Essential Oils Specialists and Aromatherapists.

We also teach our students the terminology they need to know and use to keep them protected as practitioners and in scope with the FDA.  There can be a fear of using the wrong terminology in your holistic practice.

Here are some example phrases that can support you:

  • I think you will love it
  • I really love
  • I always use
  • Have you ever tried

For example, As a practitioner, when is it ok to use words like anti-depressant?

When we are talking about a plant itself, we can explain that it has antidepressant properties. However, we cannot indicate that of a certain brand nor that anything that we do cures depression.

It is important to be compliant with the FDA and also to set our clients up for success but be reasonable and truthful about what we can provide as practitioners. Adhering to FDA guidelines helps us to do just that. Embrace them!


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