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Learn the formula to creating your unique offer that your ideal clients will crave.
This will scale your business organically and growth will be such a joy!


YOU DID IT!!! That was amazing wasn’t it! It is obvious that you are committed to your success. Now it’s time to take your next step to grow with your signature offer. To help you with this, I have a great offer for you to get PERSONALIZED support to:

-Review your signature offer for optimal effect for your audience

-Provide recommendations to ensure your audience will crave your offer

-Training on next steps in building your brand and set up a solid business

This offer is only available at this price ON THIS PAGE

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Having a signature offer allowed me to scale my business to 6 figures in less than a year, doing what I LOVE. Now its your turn!

Your Clients ARE Waiting!

Imagine waking up in the morning, having your quiet time to reset and reconnect. Then you go to your calendar and there it is full of dream clients. 

You have a group coaching session, some private clients and some speaking engagements all lined up for the week.

Instead of overwhelm, you feel joy. You love what you do so much it hardly feels like work. But, your bank account tells you, you are in fact working. On top of that, you are earning more than you ever have.

Referrals are plenty. You now have the luxury of saying no to clients who are not ideal. As you now only have space for the ones you really can’t wait to work with. You feel FULLsatisfied and deeply grateful.

This is exactly what it feels like to have a profitable, joyful coaching practice. If you are ready to put in the work, you are just steps away from this reality. Let’s get started!

"What I loved about working with Renèe is that It really helped me to develop more layers into my core foundation as a coach. My last launch was probably the biggest launch that I've had in my business."
Nikita Williams
Owner at Thrive with Nikita

Meet Renèe

Renée Hughes the Founder of the Aromspecialists and a Certified Professional Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Consultant, and Holistic Coach Mentor 

She helps coaches transform what they believed to be possible, revealing a life and career that is deeply satisfying and rewarding. Having created a 6 figure brand in less than a year, Renée loves the idea of helping fellow coaches create more impact and income faster and with more joy.

Many of us holistic practitioners live well beneath our potential and she and her team have become experts at flipping that pattern and guiding students to get on the path to creating their own 6 figure roadmap. 

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"Renee and her team really got me focused and broke down scaleable marketing. Joining the community was the best decision I could have made."
Dania Sanon
Owner of She Flows Aromatics

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