The Mood Makeover Method
Smile on the Inside

Online Emotional Support Coaching

This program results in the best relationships of your life. Remember what it's like to play, hope and love with purpose.

The Mood Makeover Method
Smile on the Inside

Online Emotional Support Coaching

This program results in the best relationships of your life. Remember what it's like to play, hope and love with purpose.

As Seen In

You'll Love This Program If:

 You are an exhausted professional unable to maintain balance for a satisfying work and home life.  
🌱  Your energy is low. Reading, studying, creating, and public speaking takes all the energy you can muster.
🌱  You haven’t smiled on the inside in a very long time.  Your clients feel it, your family feels it. And, you can’t remember when you felt connected to your laughter.
🌱 You are ready to break free from stuck energy that keeps you feeling alone, tired and anxious.
“I designed this method to get results at the deepest levels.”

-Renèe Hughes,

Certified Professional Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Consultant and Founder of The Mood Makeover Method™.  

You'll Love This Program If:

 You are an exhausted professional unable to maintain balance for a satisfying work and home life.  
🌱  Your energy is low. Reading, studying, creating, and public speaking takes all the energy you can muster.
🌱  You haven’t smiled on the inside in a very long time.  Your clients feel it, your family feels it. And, you can’t remember when you felt connected to your laughter.
🌱 You are ready to break free from stuck energy that keeps you feeling alone, tired and anxious.
“I designed this method to get results at the deepest levels.”

-Renèe Hughes,

Certified Professional Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Consultant and Founder of The Mood Makeover Method™.  

Meet our program members as they shine the light on what it feels like to smile on the inside!

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My 3-Phase Process to Remove the Barriers to Clarity, Personal Peace and Emotional Release

Aroma tapping

Essential oils coupled with tapping helps the central nervous system balance. Easing you between sympathetic and parasympathetic mode. No more being stuck ready to fight, run or freeze for no reason.  When that happens emotional triggers diminish and in some cases vanish.


Constricted breathing causes symptoms that range from restlessness to all-out panic. I will help you practice and master therapeutic breathing. This causes a natural internal peace.

3 Core Principles

The principles taught in this method help keep us grounded. We learn that smiling on the inside is possible. We adjust our perceptions that leads to peace. We learn to love with acceptance and healthy boundaries.

Time to repair, cleanse and love harder than you ever have before...

Have you ever had these thoughts or feelings?
A feeling everything and everyone is on your last nerve
Or, you’ve been living on auto-pilot until LIFE FORCED YOU TO STOP in some way 
Some of your RELATIONSHIPS come with more pain than peace. And you are having trouble recognizing the difference
Feeling LONELY even when surrounded by people because it feels no one knows you on the inside. You feel misunderstood, misjudged and invisible.

These feelings lead to negative thought loops that prevent us from success in every area of life.

The Mood Makeover Method will teach you a different way to process. It will change the way you function on a daily basis.

The Cost of Waiting to Feel Better

I know you are exhausted. From every possible angle, there is someone or something that needs your attention.

We are all feeling it in some way…

Until this moment you’ve always said you just don’t have time or money for self care. You viewed it as an “extra,” a luxury that you and your family couldn’t afford. 

Here’s the thing. The cost of waiting to feel better is much more expensive to you and to your family.

If you are in a toxic emotional state (and may not know it), it is costing your family precious time with the real you. It is one of the reasons your relationships are struggling and you’re in emotional pain.

This program will help you provide MORE. More love to yourself, more compassion to your family and friends. And more time and energy for the more important things in life. 

Right now you are not showing up 100% because you can’t.

Listen, you have tried the occasional massage and “I’ll do it when things aren’t so crazy.” Has that worked for you? Do you feel any better? Do you feel more connected to yourself or to your loved ones?

You’ve tried eating your feelings. You’ve tried to read the books and watch the endless video trainings or listen to a plethora of podcasts. Nothing has worked the way you need it to.

This program will help you close the gap between what you know and what you actually FEEL. Revealing depth and love in your most cherished relationships


The Mood Makeover Method Full Program
6 Months

6 Month Commitment
$ 3722
  • (6) 1:1 Sessions
  • Weekly Group Coaching
  • Unlimited Voice Messaging
  • The 7-Day Emotional Cleanse
  • The 5 Essential Oils Masterclass
  • Online Video Library
  • Journal Book

The Mood Makeover Method Full Program
3 Months

3 Month Commitment
$ 1861
  • (3) 1:1 Sessions
  • Weekly Group Coaching
  • Unlimited Voice Messaging
  • The 7-Day Emotional Cleanse
  • The 5 Essential Oils Masterclass
  • Online Video Library
  • Journal Book

I Felt Pretty Much Invisible

I’m Renèe Hughes. A certified professional aromatherapist specializing in psycho-aromatherapy and I developed The Mood Makeover Method.

I grew up feeling pretty much invisible. It wasn’t that I didn’t have people who loved me.  It was just that it didn’t always matter.

I still had this deep sense of worthlessness. In my mind I was the underwhelming middle kid with nothing to offer.  

I had not yet come to know me. I didn’t understand that my quiet, observant nature was a gift. And, that I had many gifts that were hidden under my low self-esteem.

In time I learned those low feelings and stuck energy made me really sick. Terrible gut issues and mounting insecurities caused a vicious cycle of being unwell. 

I had the spiritual nourishment that I needed to be happy. But, when I was unhealthy physically and emotionally it created barriers to fully absorbing that incredible nourishment. When those barriers were removed my genuine happiness SOARED!

I’ve spent decades gathering the data that ultimately became The Mood Makeover Method. and I’m excited to share it with you, and see your inside smiles!


Enjoy private sessions, group training & weekly checkins

In the full Mood Makeover Method program you will get:
  • (6) 1:1 Sessions – A safe space for emotional release and guidance on your personal healing
  • Aromatherapy video library for education and guidance through the method
  • Weekly tune-up Sessions so that you can get guidance on applying what you’ve learned
  • Weekly group training for bonding with a community on the same journey, practice the method and have amazing emotional breakthroughs
  • The 7-Day emotional cleanse for deep relief fast.  This is the perfect way to start this method and turn it into a daily habit
  • The 5 Essential Oils Masterclass for education and guidance on some of my favorite essential oils for emotional healing
  • Unlimited Access to Aromatherapy Database to find more essential oils to use along the way
  • Digital Journal Book for all your notes, gratitude journaling and release journaling



It can be as quickly as the first session. Everyone is different and progress will be a very personal journey. The work has an accumulative effect. It works much like a healthy eating program- results are seen based on each individual. You will have all the tools you need to see results quickly and consistently.


You get 1 LIVE session with a Mood Makeover coach in Zoom per month if your plan includes this. I’ll ask that you always be in a quiet and private space for our sessions. In your initial sessions, we will map out 12-month, monthly, and weekly goals. Each session we’ll be supporting you emotionally to reach those goals. Removing barriers, helping you get unstuck, boosting confidence, and releasing toxic habits.

We use voice messaging on Whatsapp. If you do not have this app you’ll need to download it to your mobile device.
You get to choose 1 day to send messages to Renee each week. You send messages to check in only on this day as a check in. It can be as long as you need. Renee will then respond within 24 to 48 hours.

I am not licensed to diagnose, treat or prevent any illness. I am a nationally Certified Professional Aromatherapist and Natural Health Consultant. This means I do have training in anatomy and physiology as well as the chemistry of essential oils and how they interact with the brain, body, and certain medications. Some have indicated that they have more complete relief from clinical symptoms when incorporating my techniques. Please consult your doctor prior to beginning the program to ensure it is safe for you to use essential oils..

No. We encourage each individual in the family to get their own package since the information discussed is confidential and cannot be shared with any other individual. In order for us to work with someone, we would need their full history to properly support them. Each person is different and would need their own sessions for optimal benefit.

No. I include essential oils in The Mood Makeover Method because my clients and I have found profound results. Essential oils deepen the effect of other self-care modalities. However, if you do not wish to use essential oils in your program you will still benefit without the use of oils.

You have 2 options to choose from depending on the length of time you desire. We offer a 6-month and a 3-month program. See above pricing cards for more details.

You may stay on any of the programs for as long as you wish however the minimum amount of time for the 6-Month program is 6 months and the minimum amount of time for the 3-month program is 3 months.