One Session Can Change Everything!
Let's Shift Your Energy and Get Mental Clarity


Let's Shift Your Emotional Energy, Cleanse, and Release Years of Toxic Build-Up With Aromatherapy Coaching


Hello Friend!
I'm Renèe Hughes, Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Coach And Your Guide To Mental Clarity & Emotional Release

I teach people how to take back control of their emotional strength and boost their energy levels through aromatherapy, breathwork and tapping. As a coach, I’ve developed a unique program that incorporates these energetic and sensory elements to guide my clients through emotional detox and gain mental clarity in a variety of areas of their lives.

When Your Body Says It is ENOUGH, It's Time To Listen

Does This Sound Familiar?

Maybe you have a feeling that you just might need to shift some energy and work towards PERSONAL PEACE and CLARITY.

…Or, you’ve been living on auto-pilot until LIFE FORCED YOU TO STOP in some way

…You’ve been experiencing that dread of mornings because you can’t get to SLEEP or stay asleep at night

…You may struggle to make DECISIONS, get excited and ready to go one minute and totally unsure the next

..Some RELATIONSHIPS come with more pain than peace and you are having trouble recognizing the difference

….Feeling LONELY even when surrounded by people because there is no real connection or anyone who really gets you.

Whether We Know It Or Not, We Store Emotions And They Need To Be Released

" I Now Go To The Hospital And Doctor Less....Better Mindset While Living With Chronic Illness"

Let Peace Wash Over You

These sessions get results in a variety of areas. People typically come to me for relief ranging from managing a chronic illness, to dealing with sad moods, to having consistent anxiety and feelings of disconnect to reducing pain and inflammation.
You will LOVE how you feel, holistically.

Create A Safe Space For Emotional Release

This aromatherapy coaching program uniquely allows you to acknowledge what is toxic in your life, identify it, and over time release it..Leaving you with deep feelings of peace and connection to yourself and all around you.

Learn To Let Deep Gratitude Guide Your Daily Life

When life isn't perfect and we have to navigate unexpected bumps in the road, gratitude keeps us steady. This coaching program helps to remove energetic stagnation and get mental clarity. This creates space for a pattern of gratitude.

Create And Nurture Meaningful Relationships With Real Friends

We are currently in a world where our friendships are virtual. But how meaningful are they? Do you still feel alone even when with friends? This program will help you reconnect with those who really love you and pivot with those who don't.

Gain The Mental Clarity To Dream Big

Mental clarity becomes impossible when internal energy is stagnant. The brain fog won't allow for goal setting, motivation or success. With time and practice my method of release brings mental clarity that will allow you to dream again and to succeed.

"I Tried Self Help & Natural Doctors...The Thing Lacking Was The Emotional Support"

My 3 Step Process To Clarity, Personal Peace and Emotional Release

Essential Oils

The chemistry of essential oils is responsible for the powerful results you will experience in your body and mind. You will have a library of blends for your specific needs, feelings and goals. As you change and grow we will continue to create new blends and methods of application. You’ll feel utterly nourished from the inside out. 


Constricted breathing causes symptoms that range from restlessness to all out panic. In our sessions I will help you practice and master therapeutic breathing so that your natural state is one of peace and clarity. This is a life changing tool that you can feel effects immediately. 

Aroma Tap

Tapping is like acupuncture with your fingers instead of needles. It allows you to self administer an amazing release of stuck energy from meridian points on the body. When you add the power of plants through essential oils the results are spectacular. These are results you can often feel right away and the benefit increases the more you do it!

Combine These 3 Processes And Experience BIG And LASTING Change In Thoughts & Habits

Reduce Anxiety

Create Positive Habits

Control Moods

" She Reached A Deep Part Of Me With Her Teaching"

BONUS: Free Bottle Of Essential Oil

During your session I will customize a few blends just for you and provide those recipes. Also I’ll send you one of my favorite bottles of oils that will be great for your unique needs. 

"Better Able To Control My Depression"

What Would It Feel Like To LIVE In A Great Mood Naturally?

This program is for people who know they want more. It is for those wonderful women and men who know they have more inside to give but can’t quite bring it out.

You may have a happy family and may be doing important work yet often feel empty inside. You want to enjoy and fully experience all of your blessings. 

Maybe you have your entire day disrupted just by passing a mirror because you have come to hate almost everything about the person that you see. Instead you want to feel happy and content with who you are and who you know you will become. 

For some the struggle is around food and health. Eating has become a cycle of the binge followed by sickness and feelings of  guilt. With an emotional release and good gut health, your relationship with food will change to one of nourishment and joy as it was intended.

Emotional Release Allows The Real You To Show Up And Enjoy Your Blessings!

"Helped Improve My Mood And Anxiety"

Enjoy A Simple Private Session, Experience Deep Peace And The Ability To Feel Totally Alive

In the Mental Clarity & Emotional Release session you will enjoy:

  • A soothing partnership with me as I guide you mental clarity and emotional release during the session
  • Coaching that feels like a spa for your brain and soul
  • Step by step guidance as you discover what needs to be released during the session
  • Lifetime access to the recording of your session so that you can continue to benefit from the exercises and coaching received during the session
  • A safe space for you to get deeply connected to yourself and your loved ones. You will see emotional growth and mental clarity as you remove negative habits and thinking patterns

"Nourish My Body And Help Rest My Mind "

Now Is The Time To Invest In Yourself & Your Family

I know you are exhausted.  From every possible angle there is someone or something that needs your attention.

We are all feeling it in some way…

Now is the time, while the world is quiet and we are at home.  Let’s work on how you will resurface, survive and thrive in the next phase of your life. 

Until this moment you’ve always said you just don’t have time for self care. You view it as an “extra”, a luxury that you and your family cannot afford. Why? Because they need you.

Here’s the thing:  your family does NEED you but in a toxic emotional state, without mental clarity you are only a portion of who you could be. How does that help you or your family? How are they benefiting from you being a skeleton of who you really are?

Your family NEEDS you and they MISS you. Give them and yourself more by being in this program that will consistently care for your emotional needs and keep you clear and healthy from the inside out. 

Right now you are not showing up 100% because you can’t.

Listen, you have tried the occasional massage and “I’ll do it when things aren’t so crazy”. Has this method really worked for you? Do you feel any better? Do you feel more connected to yourself or to your loved ones?

You’ve tried eating your feelings.  You’ve tried to read the books and watch the endless and video trainings or listen to a plethora of podcast. You’ve tried the pills and the diets and nothing has worked the way you really need it to. 

These sessions will help you close the gap between what you know and what you actually practice.

You’ll enjoy the blessings of your life more naturally, you’ll eat better naturally, you will work and play harder and enjoy it. 

"Feel Lighter In Spirit "

What's Included In The Mental Clarity & Emotional Release Session?

One To One Session

You will meet me in our voice messaging chat room, just you and me.

You’ll have a SAFE SPACE where you can get mental clarity in most areas of your life. 

 One major thing missing in  the world of emotional support coaching is someone to actually talk to. THIS IS DIFFERENT. I am with you every step of the way during your transformation. 

This program does not leave you to video modules.

I’ll teach you the right oils, dosages and application methods for your unique needs. I’ll help you release tension and emotional stagnation with therapeutic breathing. We will go deeper with aroma tapping and as you put in the work, you will see habits change. 

You’ll have LIFETIME access to your recorded session through our voice messaging system. This allows you to revisit and practice the steps you learned. 


My program is based in science and practice. I’ve learned a lot about the human body and I’m constantly amazed at its design.  

You will learn the SCIENCE behind real aromatherapy and WHY you are feeling better. You can have confidence in this program because I personally developed it after years of education and personally conducting over 25 in depth case studies as well as helping dozens of clients transform using my method. 

The 7 Day Cleanse

This 7-Day Emotional Cleanse Is an EXCELLENT tool to add to your self care toolbelt. It contains many of the principles you are using during your sessions. It gives you a great visual along with a BREAKFAST>LUNCH>DINNER routine to keep you toxic free, emotionally and physically. 

A nice little side effect of this cleanse is that you may even find yourself at a healthier weight. It is a gut cleansing, emotionally nourishing, mind clearing 7 days.

" Regain Balance And Meeting My Wellness Goals"

"She Has A Genuine And Warm Interest In ME That I Love"

I Felt Pretty Much Invisible

I grew up feeling pretty much invisible. It wasn’t that I didn’t have people who loved me.  It was just that it didn’t always matter.

I still had this deep sense of worthlessness. In my mind I was the underwhelming middle kid with nothing to offer.  

I had not yet come to know me and so I didn’t understand that my quiet, observant nature was a gift and that i had many gifts that were hidden under the low self-esteem.

In time I learned those low feelings and stuck energy made me really sick. Terrible gut issues and mounting insecurities caused a vicious cycle of being unwell. 

Getting plants inside the body in a variety of ways nourishes the body and mind. You literally change from the inside out!

My Transformation ...

Before my lifestyle changes I would find myself falling asleep while driving.  I had little to no motivation. I was constantly nauseous and constipated.  My self-esteem was non existent.

Then I learned the power of eating and supplementing with plants. My world CHANGED. I found that when I applied what i learned i felt ALIVE, AWAKE, USEFUL. When I didn’t, i felt sick and invisible again.

When I began to cleanse from the inside I got to know and appreciate me, a proud introvert with many layers. Now I can recognize the need for improvement and pivot without self-hatred. I can now enjoy change and growth.

One of the beautiful things about getting clear on who you are is that you will no longer be afraid of change. 

"I Experienced Growth Both Personally And Professionally"

Will You Be One Of The Survivors?

Life has changed as we know it.  It’s going to continue to change. Not only the world around us but who we are inside. Will you be a survivor?

In order to survive and thrive with this changing world we need CLARITY.  A clear, focused mind to help us know when and how to pivot.  To help us thrive when the economy is up and down. To help our family thrive in the face of loss, challenge and change.

Will you survive? Will you thrive in the world to come?

Can you really afford to continue to be on an emotional autopilot? When life is on autopilot you may not realize that you’ve become completely disconnected from who you are and who you want to be.

Maybe it’s not until the changing world or your body forces you to STOP that you realize how deeply you need to heal. And for the first time in a long time you hear your body cry for release. 

There is something about life changing suddenly and drastically that brings your soul to a grinding halt, left with the results of a busy life that did not involve self care, that did not include genuine connection. A body abused by toxic laden foods, a mind poisoned with negative dialogue and self hatred. 

This mental clarity and emotional release sessions will give you the tools you will need to come full circle. It will support you to a space to recover, gain strength and rebound in a way you never could have imagined possible. 

"Helped Me Notice, Accept And Release Emotional Gunk And Limiting Beliefs"

Stand Steady In A World Of Crisis

Whether it’s the world being at a stand-still or your own body that gives you a wake up call, you can be equal to any challenge and use it to propel you to excellence. 

You will be that person you’ve always known was there but has just been buried so deep for so long.
Imagine waking up refreshed, feeling less pain, eating healthy naturally and being present in every aspect of your life. Your relationships will flourish, your career and business will scale up. Even when the world is in crisis, you’ll show up as one of the leaders, a survivor ready and able to THRIVE. 


One Session

30 Min Session Via LIVE Voice Messaging
$ 59
  • Schedule Your Appointment
  • Follow the instructions to meet me in your private chat room at the time of your appointment

One Session

60 min Session Via LIVE Voice Messaging
$ 97
  • Schedule Your Appointment
  • Follow instructions to meet Renee in your private chat room


You get 1 LIVE session with a Mood Makeover coach in Zoom per month if your plan includes this. I’ll ask that you always be in a quiet and private space for our sessions. In your initial sessions, we will map out 12-month, monthly, and weekly goals. Each session we’ll be supporting you emotionally to reach those goals. Removing barriers, helping you get unstuck, boosting confidence, and releasing toxic habits.

I am not licensed to diagnose, treat or prevent any illness. I am a nationally Certified Professional Aromatherapist and Natural Health Consultant. This means I do have training in anatomy and physiology as well as the chemistry of essential oils and how they interact with the brain, body, and certain medications. Some have indicated that they have more complete relief from clinical symptoms when incorporating my techniques. Please consult your doctor prior to beginning the program to ensure it is safe for you to use essential oils..

No. We encourage each individual in the family to get their own package since the information discussed is confidential and cannot be shared with any other individual. In order for us to work with someone, we would need their full history to properly support them. Each person is different and would need their own sessions for optimal benefit.

"I Was Able To Remove Stuck Energy Faster And Show Up Better In My Business"

" I've Learned The Expansive Reach Of Essential Oils"

" I Have More Balanced Views"

"The Oil Blends Help Decrease Pain And Inflammation"

"I Have Learned Strategies To Cope With The Things Causing My Sleep And Focus Issues"

" I Feel Like There Is Hope"