Welcome To The Mood Makeover Method
Club Membership

Weekly 60-min Group Coaching To Gain Mental Clarity, Release Toxic Emotions, Achieve Personal Growth & A Spectacular Mood

Welcome To The Mood Makeover Method Club Membership

Weekly 60-min Group Coaching To Gain Mental Clarity, Release Toxic Emotions, Achieve Personal Growth & A Spectacular Mood​

Welcome To The Club!
I'm Renèe Hughes, Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Coach And Your Guide To Mental Clarity & Emotional Release

I teach busy professionals how to take back control of their emotional strength and boost their energy levels through aromatherapy, breathwork and aroma tapping. As a coach, I’ve developed a unique program that incorporates these energetic and sensory elements to provide guidance through emotional detox. The results are an increase in productivity, energy, happiness, stability, vibrance and mental clarity. 

Master The Mood Makeover Method For Optimal Results

Aroma tapping

The chemistry of essential oils coupled with tapping helps the central nervous system balance, easing you between sympathetic and parasympathetic mode seamlessly. No more being stuck ready to fight, run or freeze for no reason.  You’ll feel utterly nourished from the inside out.  When that happens the emotional triggers greatly diminish and in some cases vanish.


Constricted breathing causes symptoms that range from restlessness to all-out panic. In our sessions I will help you practice and master therapeutic breathing so that your natural state is one of peace and clarity. These healthy breathing practices provide a tool that can be accessed at any time to create calm so that discussions remain productive and nourishing.

3 Core Principles

The 3 core principles we teach at Mood Makeover Method are:

  1. Perception equals peace – here we learn how the way we look at things can help us find joy in something or someone we had given up on- even if that person is ourselves
  2. Take the toxic out of the love – this principle is all about creating space to forgive, creating boundaries and re-connecting 
  3. Stop participating in the pain – this helps us to enforce boundaries and reduce emotional triggers

“Renee is an AMAZING & loving soul”

Honestly before I started working Renee, I was in CONSTANT pain. I was feeling completely defeated and overwhelmed with what I thought the rest of my life would be like. But then came Renèe. Let’s first say Renee is an amazing LOVING SOUL! She heard my concerns and helped me find what worked for me. I now go to the hospital and doctor less. I have healthy systems that work for me right at home on top of a better outlook and mindset while living with chronic illness.

Nikita Williams

Clarity Business Coach, Thrive with Nikita

Deep, Meaningful Connection

Marriage is such a miraculous and beautiful gift. This “one flesh” relationship can be the source of daily joy, inspiration and true partnership. Removing the barriers to communication, commitment and courtship leaves space to nourish this beautiful relationship resulting in peace, fulfillment and incredible joy. 

Embrace the Friendship of Your Family

Living with regret can feel like a daily bulldozer racing over your heart. What if  principled mindset coaching combined with shifting body chemistry with aromatherapy could change the way you feel? You’ll release guilt, anger and fear that may be holding you back from embracing friendship and love.

I Felt Pretty Much Invisible

I grew up feeling pretty much invisible. It wasn’t that I didn’t have people who loved me.  It was just that it didn’t always matter.

I still had this deep sense of worthlessness. In my mind I was the underwhelming middle kid with nothing to offer.  

I had not yet come to know me and so I didn’t understand that my quiet, observant nature was a gift and that i had many gifts that were hidden under the low self-esteem.

In time I learned those low feelings and stuck energy made me really sick. Terrible gut issues and mounting insecurities caused a vicious cycle of being unwell. 

Getting plants inside the body in a variety of ways nourishes the body and mind. Beautiful changes from the inside out!

60-min Group Coaching (Value:$2100)

Meet with the Mood Makeover coaches each week in a Zoom meeting room with like minded high achievers who are working on developing positive habits, mindset and mental clarity. Stay accountable, progress and bond in this safe space as you learn to master the art of The Mood Makeover Method.

As a bonus, our assistant coaches will guide you through managing your hormonal health and gain complete focus and productivity.

7-Day Emotional Cleanse (Value: $367)

These video modules walk you through 7 days of deep emotional and physical cleansing.

It is the basis of The Mood Makeover Method and what we will be using throughout the coaching experience. 

A nice little side effect of this cleanse is that you may even find yourself at a healthier weight. It is a gut cleansing, emotionally nourishing, mind clearing 7 days. Repeat the 7 day cleanse as often as you like, 7 days, 7 months, 7 years…there is not limit!

Journal Book

We designed this journal book to be the perfect companion for your Mood Makeover journey.

You’ll use the journal to outline your goals for the year, each month and each week. The great thing you is you can start and stop with this journal and make it fit with your lifestyle.

Additionally it has amazing features like inspirational quotes, habit tracker and drawing your mood! You’ll take great strides in your progress with this journey and have it on hand to document this beautiful journey that you will never forget.

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Club Membership

$ 882
6 Months /$197 Month to Month Until Cancelled
  • Weekly Group Coaching
  • The 7 Day Emotional Cleanse
  • Access to private FB community
  • Journal Book

Enjoy private group coaching away from social media while connecting with like-minded high achievers

The Mood Makeover Method Club Members Will Enjoy:

  • 60-min educational and inspirational mood makeover sessions each week
  • Coaching that feels like a spa for your brain and soul
  • Step by step guidance as you discover what needs to be released during each class
  • A safe space for you to get deeply connected to yourself and your loved ones. You will get consistent support for emotional growth and mental clarity as you remove negative habits and thinking patterns and embrace new, nourishing ways of thinking, loving & living

Here's Your Bonus Bundle:

15 Essential OIls

Therapeutic grade organic or wild harvested essential oils, as well as speciality blends for specific situational support. Both customized for your daily use.

You'll use these oils so often you'll wonder how you lived without them. You'll use these oils in your sessions but it won't stop there. You will also use them for everything from cleaning your home to self care, to cold and flu season. The list is literally endless!

1 Premium Diffuser

Beautiful design and ideal dispensing to fill any room with warmth and aromatic therapy.

5 Carrier Oils

Premium organic carrier oils to help distribute your essential oils safely while adding tremendous therapeutic effect.

4 Aromatic Inhalers

Inhalers are ideal to use for essential oil blends designed to shift energy and lift mood. You'll learn how to make and use these during your sessions.

2 Organic Butters

You will learn to use these butters in this program to create everything from non toxic beauty products to household cleaners.

24 Storage Containers

You'll need a variety of containers to store your new blends. Your gift bundle will include just what you need to get started.

Surviving vs. Thriving...

Life has changed as we knew it.  It’s going to continue to change. Not only the world around us but who we are inside. Will you survive it all or will you THRIVE?

In order to thrive with this changing world we need CLARITY.  A clear, focused mind to help us know when and how to pivot.  To help us thrive when the economy is up and down. To help our family thrive in the face of loss, challenge and change.

There is something about life changing suddenly and drastically that brings your soul to a grinding halt, left with the results of a busy life that did not involve self care, that did not include genuine connection. A body abused by toxic laden foods, a mind poisoned with negative dialogue and self hatred. 

This mood makeover coaching will give you the tools you will need to come full circle. It will support you to a space to recover, gain strength and rebound in a way you never could have imagined possible. 

"I'm no longer having panic attacks "
When I attended the free Mood Makeover Method workshop I couldn't stop crying, I knew I had to join this program. From the first session, I knew there was hope. I was having panic attacks regularly now I note when they are coming on and am able to control it and get back to balance quickly.

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